Monday, November 13, 2006

He Lives! He Walks! He Conquers!

It's been awhile since my last posting, and it's time to for an update! Here's a drawing I did for Mike Cho who's an Iron Man fanatic. See his Iron Man tribute website. (now I just have to get it to you Mike!)

I wanted to do the old Iron Man, because frankly - he's cooler. It's been a loooong time since I last did a super hero drawing, the last one I remember was a Sword of the Atom one I did in high school (I loved that mini-series). Anyway, here it is. It also marks the first time I used Pitt pens, so it was a bit of a learning experience.

In other news, Dan Brown from the London Free Press plugged my stuff on his blog.

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Michael Cho said...

Oh. My. God!!!

This drawing is the coolest thing ever. I cannot BELIEVE you drew an Iron man, let alone the original tin-can ironman (my fav!). I'm totally drooling over my monitor right now. I must have this. I will trade/pay/steal whatever you want for this...

P.S. Hi to Dave and Rosie!

Diana said...

Hey Mike,

Glad you like the drawing! It was custom made for you, so we just need to figure out how to get it to you! Say hi to Claudia!