"What the heck is going on with that Gerald Bull Graphic Novel you've been working on?" is a question that my friends are smart enough not to ask me, but one that my family brings up every now and then.
Well, I'll tell you - after some big stumbling blocks (namely structuring the story properly so that it got across all the info necessary but still flowed as a narrative without being too ex positional), I'm happy to say that it's going well!
Outline and Chapter breakdown have been finished for awhile now and I'm full on drawing. Prologue, Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 are fully drawn and finished. Just starting Chapter 2 now. I'm going at a good, even pace and I'm happy with everything thus far.
Here's a panel from Chapter 3 below that I like. When not doing comics, I've been doing landscape pieces, and this is creeping into my comics in a natural, organic kind of way.
My agent is now actively shopping the book around, and I hope I will have good news on this front soon. Cross your fingers for me!